
The entire site extends over approximately 11,000 acres and is shown in the aerial photograph below. The four bauxite residue storage areas (referred to as Beds, 1, 2, 3 and 4) cover approximately 3100 acres. The balance of the area is comprised of a working ranch, equipment storage areas, hay fields, grasslands, ponds and wetland areas.

CE Ranch has made significant progress on Bed 1 to improve conditions, control dusting and work towards closure objectives including clean storm water runoff and reduced leachate volume as stated in the 9019 Settlement Agreement in accordance with applicable TCEQ regulations. The remedial actions listed below will continue to be implemented over the next several years:

  • Baseline characterization and continual field screening.
  • Continual hay, mulch and gin trash application; allow volunteer vegetation to propagate.
  • Sequential ripping/disking/plowing to create flow pathways and incorporate organics into upper 2 to 3 feet.
  • Aeration to allow natural remediation to occur.
  • Flush with Aransas Pass water and allow to dry; repeat as needed to reduce alkalinity
  • Apply and incorporate gypsum into upper 12 – 18 inches to further reduce alkalinity
  • Flush and allow to dry.
  • Field screening and sampling.
  • Disk and smooth out surface to eliminate low areas and assure proper grade
  • Apply fertilizer and seed mix.
  • Analytical program consists of field screening for moisture %, pH and EC; sample analysis includes testing for SAR, ESP, and CEC.
  • Neutralization of the upper 18 – 24-inch layer has occurred along with significant vegetative growth.
  • Residue is of very low permeability at depths below cover development activities.
  • Perimeter areas are being modified for leachate and stormwater management.
  • Stability assessment complete to assure lowrisk of levee failure.

In addition, as part of its commitment to meeting TCEQ requirements, CE Ranch conductsinspection, maintenanceand monitoringoperations actions at the Site, including levee repair, water management, dust control and foam control. The interior and exterior levees of the Copano beds have been repaired and are being maintained to assure their integrity and stability to withstand significant storm events and provide containment for impounded materials.

Water and Stormwater Management: All stormwater and water used for irrigation and dusting prevention stays onsite and is ultimately controlled by evaporation.  In addition, stormwater collection and pumpsystems are in place to prevent discharge into the surrounding land or surface water bodies.

Dusting events can occur on dry, flat surfaces during extremely high wind.  Since 2018, CE Ranch has implemented a series of successful dust control actions including promoting vegetative growth, covering with or applying water, scarifying and regrading levees, and placing hay or other organic materials over exposed areas.

Scarifying the exposed bauxite residue surface prior to applying hay
Spraying water to control dust and promote vegetation
Foam control work.

Foaming events can occur as organic matter decays within impounded surface water.  Since 2018, CE Ranch has conducted successful foam control actions including managing impoundment water levels, installing barriers and applying anti-foaming agents.Admittedly those actions do not eliminate conditions that create foam, but rather minimize the potential for foam to leave the Copano property.

Repair of the Bed 2 interior levee (before and after)

Repair of the Bed 2 exterior levee

Repair of the erosion rills on the Bed 3 exterior levee

Repair of the Bed 3 interior levee

Repair of the Bed 4 interior levee (before and after)

Repair of the Bed 4 exterior levee